Regiment: Rifle Brigade 2nd Battalion
Service No: 41355
Date & place of birth: June 1899, Petworth
Date & place of death: 27 August 1918 (aged 19), France

Family background

Lance Corporal Alfred Tickner was the son of George (a gardener) and Avis Sarah Tickner. He was the only surviving son as a brother George had died in his first year. There were five sisters, two older and three younger. In 1911 the family were living at North End Cottage North Street Petworth.

Military service

Alfred enlisted in Horsham into the Rifle Brigade, possibly as soon as he was old enough .

Death and commemoration

Lance Corporal Alfred Tickner was killed in action on the 27 August 1918 aged just 19. He is buried at La Targette British Cemetery, Neuville-St. Vaast and was awarded the British and Victory medals.