David Earley has displayed the results of his extensive researches in Cocking Village Hall. Photo by Jeffery Mableson

Displays in St Peter’s Church, Lodsworth have been organised by Ian Buckingham for commemorative events, one of which featured readings by Charles Dance, Geraldine James and Honeysuckle Weeks. The Book of Remembrance remains permanently in the church.

Penny Holland, Sarah White, Pat and Roy Bryant compiled a Book of Remembrance for Midhurst Museum to include in its WW1 exhibitions.

An exhibition in St Mary’s Church commemorated Petworth casualties. Medals, photos and other memorabilia were on display, along with stories of the 75 men of Petworth killed in the War. The research for these stories was by Kate and Nigel Flynn.


Malcolm Hutchings arranged for the village to commemorate those named on its war memorial by including their stories in the parish magazine on the 100th anniversary of each death.