Regiment: Royal Fusiliers 2nd Battalion London Regiment
Service No: 67452
Date & place of birth: November 1882, Petworth
Date & place of death: 26 October 1917 (aged 34), Belgium

Family background

Private Frederick Butcher was the son of Mark (a carpenter) and Frances Butcher. Mark had died by 1901 and Frances was a dealer in seed corn in 1901 and a flower seed trader in 1911. In 1901 Frederick was living at home in High Street, Petworth and was working as a journeyman carpenter. By 1911 he was boarding in 20 East Street, Portslade and working as a baker’s van man. He had three sisters, although one died in her first year.

Military service

Private Frederick Butcher enlisted in Hove into the Royal Fusiliers probably in July 1916.

Death and commemoration

Private Butcher was killed in action on 26 October 1917 aged 35 again probably during the Battle of Passchendaele.  Frederick is commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial.

Subsequent family history

Frederick’s mother died in 1920 which is presumably why correspondence about his roll of honour mentions his sister Kate.